Newsletter #5 March 28th 2024


    Learning Today.                     Leading Tomorrow.

Wow! I am pinching myself wondering where Term 1 has gone.

I can’t believe how quickly the 9 weeks of learning, fun and school events has passed.

Here is a summary of what’s been happening at GHPS:

  • Family Fun Night with a colour run
  • Breakfast club
  • House swimming sports
  • Lightening premiership
  • District Swimming
  • Working Bee
  • Food Fight fundraiser
  • Harmony Day
  • Ride to School Day
  • 5/6 Camp

We strive at GHPS to provide a curriculum that will develop the resilience, skills and knowledge needed for our students to be successful in the dynamic world in which we live. This means providing a diverse range of experiences, not just an academic curriculum. I encourage all our families to support the extra incursions, excursions, and camps that our teachers plan for.

Congratulations to the students for their resilience, persistence, and hard work so far this year.

Also, a huge thank you to our teachers for supporting our students at school, guiding their learning, and assisting them to build new friendships with their peers. I sincerely thank our teachers for their professionalism, commitment, and hard work to ensure all students are positively engaging at school and focusing on improving their learning.

A huge thank you to our amazing parent/carer community for everything you have done to support your children with their attendance at school and sports events, completing homework, and working in partnership with the teachers for the benefit of your child.

Recently we’ve had our students in Year 3 and 5 undertake NAPLAN testing, and we are confident in their abilities to do the best they can in the numeracy and literacy assessments.

I was extremely proud to see all the Year 3 and 5 students concentrating and trying their best, in such formal testing conditions. Well-done to all our students!

Well Done Preps

I’d like to congratulate our Prep students and families on completing their first term of school. This is a big achievement for students, who are on task and loving their learning activities.

A visit to a Prep classroom always puts a smile on my face, so I am there most days! It’s great to see their developing independence and love of learning.

Last Thursday we celebrated Harmony Day in style with the students coming to school dressed in their traditional outfits of their country or dressed in the colour orange.

The whole school parade was alive with colour and spectacular traditional outfits. Thank you to Ms Piscioneri for coordinating the parade and incursion.

It was a very special day to show pride for your culture and to show support for cultural diversity and inclusiveness in our school.

🎉 Exciting News Alert! 🎉

We are thrilled to extend our congratulations to our business manager Liz Howard who has been appointed as the new business manager at Lloyd St. Primary.

We wish her all the best in her role. She will be missed by staff and the school community.

Last Friday was National Ride to School Day, and what an incredible turnout it was at school! Over 80 of our students embraced the spirit of the event by choosing to ride, walk, or skate to school. Their enthusiasm and commitment to a healthier lifestyle truly shone through.

The day commenced with a free pancake breakfast for all students who participated by riding, walking, or scooting to school.

It was great to see the whole school community coming together to have breakfast and support this event.

Working Bee

A heartfelt thank you to the small team of families who attended the term 1 working bee.

The sand pit was topped up with fresh sand, the playground on the west side received new softfall and the garden beds on the east side look wonderful after a thorough weeding.

Thanks to everyone for your support.

The GPA met last Friday and conducted their AGM. Congratulations to the following elected office bearers for this year’s Parent Club.

  • President- Fiona Davey
  • Vice President- Sarah Howell
  • Treasurer- Hayley Clift
  • Secretary- Gayle Davey

Many thanks to the GPA for organising the weekly icy poles, cake raffle, Hot Cross Bun fundraiser and the Easter raffle.

“Our children cannot be ready to walk into the future premade for them. They have to create this future. Whether they can make their future peaceful and prosperous, depends on what we do in schools today.” Yong Zhao

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the wonderful start to 2024. Our students’ staff and families make GHPS the unique and great school that it is.

We wish everyone a safe and happy end of Term 1 break. Look forward to seeing everyone on Monday 15th April.

Nerida Burns        Cameron White

Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award.

Maisie 0A – For enthusiastically helping others complete their Easter baskets. It’s great to see your helpful nature shine through!

Samvega 0C – For being a legendary listener during our cooking session this week. You were able to follow instructions, take it in turns in your group and it was lovely to see how excited you were to eat your pancake. Awesome job!

Albert 1A – For your excellent expression when reading aloud in our Literacy Groups this week. You made your voice louder and changed the tone of your voice when a sentence ended in an exclamation mark. Super star!

Jake 2/3A – For your amazing effort in your reading assessment. You have jumped up nearly 10 levels since last year! Keep up the tremendous work!

Zoe 2/3B – For always having high expectations of yourself and those around you. You tackle every single task with an amazing work ethic. You’re a role model x1000!

Eric 2/3C – for showing great effort and pride in his work. This was especially evident when he persevered and problem-solved through tricky multiplication and fact family problems. Keep up the outstanding efforts, Eric!

Rushitha 4/5A – For a fantastic first term as one of 4/5A’s student council representatives. You consistently demonstrate all of the school values and show enthusiasm towards your responsibilities as a leader. Keep up the awesome work!

Thomas 4/5B – For his exceptional reading skills shared with the whole class this week. I especially love that you use expression and project your voice clearly for all to hear. Well done Thomas!

Zac (4/5C) ran at the Club Championships at Caulfield Little Athletics at the weekend and won the U11 Boys 1500m and placed 3rd in the U11 Boys 400m.

Congratulations Zac! What a fabulous achievement.

Sport News

GHPS House Swimming Sports proved to be a fantastic start to the sporting school year. It was the perfect day to be outdoors and enjoying the weather at Oakleigh Pool. As a new teacher to the school and to PE, it was awesome to see students dress up in their house colours, sing their house chant and encourage their friends who were competing.

Thank you to the families and caregivers who came along on the day (even in house colours too) and a special mention to Sylivia for taking photos on the day!

The students were so lucky to have some free time in the outdoor pool and play areas to end the day on a high with their friends.

Well done to all students who participated, it’s important to remember that sport is about trying your best, active participation and enjoying being active with your friends. The Garde 3s were super impressive with their 50m races too, well done!

Thank you to GHPS 3-6 teachers and staff for the assistance on the day and especially Marie Kasambalis for supporting with the event.

Congratulations to Garrawang for winning the most points on the day and to Pike for being awarded the House Spirit Cup!

Sarah Price, PE teacher.

TheirCare News

End of Term 1 Report

GHPS Facebook



Fri 29       Good Friday



Mon 15    Term 2 commences

Fri 26        Curriculum Day

Tue 30      School Photo Day


Squishbook: Make comics with Squishface Studio and friends! — Readings Books


Fee payments and Excursion Permissions and Payments.

All Communication notices regarding excursions will be sent through COMPASS.

Permissions are to be given through COMPASS.

Preferred payment method for Fee payments and Excursions is through COMPASS.

This will allow us to always keep all the correct information available to staff whilst on an excursion.

If you have any questions, please contact the office or see Guide below.

CLICK HERE for Parent’s Guide to Compass

Thank you.