Newsletter #11 July 26th 2024


    Learning Today.                     Leading Tomorrow.

Dear GHPS Families,

Welcome back to Term 3. I hope that the many of you who visited the warmer states had a wonderful time and that those who stayed closer to home enjoyed some inside fun! I have enjoyed re-connecting with our students, staff, and families this week and I have been pleased to see a settled learning environment across the school. On Monday we welcomed a new teacher– Mr Stuart MacDermid. He is the new teacher for 6A, and it was lovely to witness the warm welcome Mr MacDermid received from all the Year 6 class.

There are plenty of great events happening this term to look forward to.

3-way conferences will be held next Wednesday, July 31, from 2.00pm.

Please ensure you have booked a time for you and your child to meet with their teacher.

Our annual House Athletics carnival for grades 2-6 will be held on August 7.

Save the date in your calendar and we look forward to seeing our families cheering for our students at Duncan McKinnon Reserve.

The Olympics, which are about to begin, will inspire lots of Olympic themed learning across the school, as well as our Olympic day on August 9.

At last week’s assembly each class drew out of the ‘hat’ the country they will be on the day.

Class teachers will be planning some fun activities and games.

Later in week six we will also celebrate Book Week, with this year’s theme being ‘Reading is Magic’.

Time to start thinking about your book week costume!

The 2024 Musical Showcase will be performed on September 2 at Robert Blackwood Hall.

Tickets will be $25 and go on sale soon

NAPLAN Results

The NAPLAN reports were sent home to families last week. Once again the school is performing well above neighbouring schools, and the State. It is excellent to see that the majority of our students perform in either the ‘exceeding’ or ‘strong’ categories. The school’s 2024 AIP targets this year have been surpassed with these results.

I would like to thank our dedicated staff and families for their commitment to ensuring our students optimise every learning opportunity.

Please note that NAPLAN is just a snapshot and is one test on one particular day. It does not always provide an overall picture of every student’s academic ability.

Year 3

Reading Writing Spelling Numeracy Grammar and Punctuation

Exceeding or Strong

91% 100% 97% 91% 97%

Exceeding or Strong

84% 100% 81% 90% 68%
Similar schools 2024 83% 90% 75% 83% 73%

Year 5

Reading Writing Spelling Numeracy Grammar and Punctuation

Exceeding or Strong

92% 97% 92% 92% 81%

Exceeding or Strong

90% 94% 86% 93% 83%
Similar schools 2024 87% 86% 81% 85% 82%

The Department of Education Parents and Carers Opinion Survey

The 2024 Parent, Caregiver and Guardian Opinion Survey will be available to complete online from Monday 29 July to Friday 30 August 2024.

The survey seeks feedback on school climate, community engagement in learning and teaching practices for student engagement and outcomes.

A newsfeed will be posted on this during the week to provide families with a one-time use PIN and the website to access the survey.

We encourage ALL families to participate in this survey (which will take around 20 minutes) and can be accessed at any convenient time on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones.

Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.

School Uniform

School uniforms play a crucial role in promoting a positive and cohesive school environment.

One of our core school expectations is that all students will wear the correct uniform each day. The uniform signifies belonging to and pride in the school community, and is also part of ensuring a safe, secure, and equitable school environment.

A number of students are currently not wearing the recommended school uniform or clothing in navy and maroon. I kindly ask families to support our students to wear the correct uniform.

Please click on the link for the uniform policy

School Uniform Policy 2022 Final.docx (

Uniform Shop @GHPS 

2nd Hand Uniforms (and new items, old logo) will again be on sale in Week 4.
Tuesday 6th August 8.15 – 9am and 3 – 4pm
Thursday 8th August 8.15 – 9am.
We will be located inside the Gym.
Further sessions (to be confirmed) will be held in Week 9, Term 3 (9-13th September) and Week 2, Term 4 (14-18th October) when hopefully we will be restocking our wardrobes for warmer weather.

Extra Curricula UJEB Program

The UJEB program will have two pop up sessions this term and will commence a weekly session in term 4 as an extra curricular subject for our interested families.

Enrolment in the Program will be open to all GHPS students on a fee-paying basis.

It caters for students from Prep to Grade 6.

Flu Season

Now that we are in the depths of winter, we are seeing an increase in numbers of children becoming unwell with sniffles, coughs, and sore throats.

If your child is displaying symptoms of being unwell (fever – above 37.9, sore throat, cough, runny or stuffy nose, stomach-ache, nausea) please consider if they are well enough to come to school.

Please consider the health and wellbeing of other students and staff.

If your child develops any sign of illness whilst at school, we will request that you or an adult nominated by you, collect your child from school as soon as possible.

It is also timely to remind your child about hygiene.

Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing with a tissue.

Cough into your elbow, dispose of tissues into a bin, and wash hands regularly with soap and water, or use sanitizer.

Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.

Let’s work together to stay safe and healthy.

Nerida Burns        Cameron White

Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award.

Peter 0A – For his detailed recount writing about his trip to the Arcade in the holidays. It was great to see you sounding out unfamiliar words. Well Done Peter!

Billie 0A – For her detailed drawings and labelling of the characters, setting, problem and solution of the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Great Work Billie!

Thalia 0B – For the incredible effort you put into your holiday recount about your movie adventure. Your creativity really shone through as you drew amazing pictures that brought your recount to life. I loved how you carefully sounded out words when writing your sentences. Keep up the awesome work!

Talia 0B – For your incredible work designing and creating a vibrant story map of the fairy tale, The Three Billy Goats Gruff! Your creative touch in crafting pictures that perfectly captured the characters, setting, and problem was impressive. What a fantastic effort you’ve put in this week!

Henry 0C – For your fantastic work this week while writing your holiday recount. I was so impressed by your ability to sound out and write words, and your detailed drawings blew me away! Amazing effort.

Milan 0C – For building your listening skills, stamina and confidence to have a go at new tasks. You should be so proud of the progress you are making. Well done, Superstar!

Ailana 1A – For settling so well into 1A this term. You have had a smooth transition from the language school and we love having you in our class!

Knox 1B – For your amazing transition back to GHPS. We are thrilled to have you back in the family. Your smooth transition and the way you’ve rekindled friendships and remembered all our GHPS routines have truly impressed us all. Welcome home! We’re so proud of you! Go, Knox! 🎈

Lily 1B – For your mind-blowing multiplication superpowers! Your grouping skills are legendary, your arrays are a work of art, and your repeated addition is out of this world! 🚀✨

Siddiq 2A – For your magnificent multiplication and division skills this week during our maths lessons. You are a maths superstar. Keep up the great work!

Mubiyna 2B – For settling so well into her new class. It has been amazing to see how quickly friendships have been formed amongst our class, and the effort you put in towards all your work, giving a great go! Well done!

Vividha 2B – For the confidence and enthusiasm she has shown during our lessons on Multiplication and Division. It is amazing to see the effort she puts into showing all her working out, and making sure that her bookwork is neat as well. Keep it up!

Kafka 2C – For your outstanding participation during Literature circles. You asked questions, made connections, listened to the thoughts of others and enriched the conversations about the set texts. Well done, Superstar!

Rachel 3A – For your exceptional achievement in crafting a vivid and captivating sensory poem. Your creative use of language and imagery brought your poem to life in a remarkable way. Keep up the great work!

Ivaan 3C – For your unconditional kindness and enthusiasm for learning. You’re always ready to lend a helping hand and offer a friendly smile. During lessons, you show curiosity and the determination to learn.  Phenomenal work, Ivaan!

Raha 4B – For her sensational character profile created during Reading this week. You used excellent language to perfectly describe your main character, Verity Sparks!

Charlie 4B – For his improved handwriting skills displayed in class this week. You are very close to receiving your pen license, keep it up!

Botir 5A – For settling so well into your new class at GHPS. You have been participating in class activities enthusiastically and already made many friends. We are delighted to have you in 4/5A!

Akhilesh 5A – For writing wonderfully descriptive Haiku poems. Your work and effort was very impressive!

Henry 5A – For his excellent application in all areas of his learning this week. Keep up the fantastic work!

Yianni 5C – Showing creativity and experimentation in his poetry writing and always showing care and empathy for other students and the school environment. You are a star!

Jaini 6A – For a very positive start to the term and being a great support for her new teacher. Thanks Jaini!

Javin 6A – For the excellent presentation of his work and making sure he is giving himself the best chance for success.

TheirCare News

We are still on the lookout for staples for our community pantry.  If you are able to donate, we are looking for:

  • School snack for lunchboxes
  • Laundry powder
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Hygiene products (soap, deodorant etc)

Please feel free to access the pantry if you need supplies or contact Ruth at if you can’t make it at our opening times.

GHPS Facebook





Wed 7       House Athletics

Tue 13      Science Incursion

Mon 19    Book Week begins

Fri 23       Magician & Book Parade

Tue 27      Curriculum Day

Fri 30      Father’s Day Stall


Mon 2      School Music Showcase – Robert Blackwood Hall

Tue 3       Family Life Education Yr 4-6

Thu 5       Yr 6 Graduation Photos

Fri 6        Responsible Pet Ownership

Fri 6        District Athletics

Tue 10     Family Life Education Yr 4-6

Tue 17     Family Life Education Yr 4-6

Fri 20     End of Term 3 (Early Dismissal 2.30pm)


Fee payments and Excursion Permissions and Payments.

All Communication notices regarding excursions will be sent through COMPASS.

Permissions are to be given through COMPASS.

Preferred payment method for Fee payments and Excursions is through COMPASS.

This will allow us to always keep all the correct information available to staff whilst on an excursion.

If you have any questions, please contact the office or see Guide below.

CLICK HERE for Parent’s Guide to Compass

Thank you.