GPA Newsletter #1 February 26th, 2024

Sign Up & Help Out

Term 4 icy pole duty – Sign Up Here

Term 4 cake raffle – Sign Up Here

Upcoming Events

Thursday 21st March: Harmony Day Samosa Special Lunch. Notices will be sent home next week.

Tuesday 26th March: Hot Cross Bun collection. Order forms will be sent home next week.

Friday 22nd March: GPA Annual General Meeting 9.15am East site. All Welcome.

Friday Icy Poles

If you haven’t put an order in for icy poles, remember you can still buy one on the day for $1.

Term 4 icy pole duty  SignUp

Friday cake raffle

Just two free slots left in Term 1 to be the baker for the Friday cake raffle.

Sign Up Here

You need a ticket to win!  Tickets are $1 from the office, every Friday.

Event Review

It’s been a busy start to Term 1.

The Prep Parents morning tea was well attended and great to contribute to this momentous first day for families new to GHPS.

It was lovely to see some new faces at our GPA “big picture” planning and ideas meeting held on 9th February.

It is important to take some time to review our achievements and look for fresh ideas. 

Thanks to Sarah for her artistic note taking!

If you have ideas for social, fund-raising and/or community building activities we’re always happy to hear from you

We look forward to seeing many of you at the Family Fun Night, now Monday 18th March, where the GPA will be selling drinks to accompany the pizza available for purchase.


The GHPS bi-annual fete was a highlight of the calendar pre-COVID (last held 2019) and it would be fabulous to run a fete in 2024. This is an excellent opportunity to engage with the local community, as well as fun, memorable event for the students.

The GPA is looking for 1 or 2 people to coordinate a Fete organising Committee. There is plenty of information available from previous events to get you started.

So, if you are looking for a new project in 2024, we’d love to hear from you 

Next GPA Meeting

AGM Friday 22nd March 9.15am East site

Even if you are unable to attend the meetings you are welcome to become a member, just email or complete the form within GPA Constitution 

You do not need to be a member to volunteer for GPA run events.